Manage Your ATMs in Real Time
A complex global economy means you need a more sophisticated method for ATM cash planning and network management.
Take advantage of PRIMESM ATM Controller, our robust real-time solution for ATM and information kiosk remote network management, offering rich, value-added capabilities for cash planning and targeted
marketing campaigns.
Look to PRIME ATM Controller to:
- Manage end-to-end transaction routing, authorisation host and interchange interfacing, settlement, ATM reconciliation, management reporting and advanced real-time network management
- Integrate with all major ATM brands through industry-standard protocols to tether all ATM and kiosk terminals, irrespective of manufacturer, onto the same network
- Support ATM value services such as fast cash, mini-statements, utility bill payments, funds transfer, remittance, cheque book and statement requests, cash deposits, and cash recycling — amongst others
- Lead the market with innovation and financial inclusion strategies while supporting biometric authentication and cardless cash transactions with third-party mobile authentication
- Support targeted marketing offers with interactive, personalised contextual advertising
- Grow and scale quickly with support for multiple languages, currencies and institutions
- Integrate with PRIME Online authorisation and switching solution and PRIME Acquirer, along with third-party solutions
Additional Resources
White Paper: Improving ATM Cash Planning