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& Routing

The Power Behind the Process

Behind every online transaction, there's a high-performance solution powering it. Our trusted PRIMESM Online single-platform solution offers powerful authorisation and dynamic message switching and routing.

PRIME Online supports all leading payment schemes and interfaces with multiple delivery channels — including POS, mPOS, ATMs and kiosks, internet payment gateways, payment networks and third-party hosts. It can be combined with comprehensive switching capabilities to ensure a seamless authorisation for all payment card types.

Look to PRIME Online to:

  • Provide comprehensive, reliable authorisation and dynamic switching and routing capability, and maintain exceptional performance 24/7
  • Increase operational efficiency with an interoperable centralised solution with multiple device-handling activities consolidated on a single, cost-effective platform
  • Integrate with PRIME Fraudguard for fraud-based decisioning, or with third-party fraud monitoring and behavioural scoring solutions
  • Strengthen customer loyalty by enabling instant customer account alerts
  • Support multiple payment card types, such as credit, debit, prepaid, corporate, magnetic stripe, EMV®, contactless and virtual
  • Add business value with real-time reporting and statistics and support for utility bill payment options, fund transfers, mobile or prepaid top-ups and dynamic currency conversion (DCC)